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Client Reviews

All client reviews have had all identifiable information removed to promote client confidentiality. 

Chris a fabulous counsellor, he took the time to get to know me before tackling deeper issues which I was struggling to deal with. He understood the difficult journey that I’ve been on in terms of my work and how best to support me to start the new phase of working career. My anxiety has reduced and as I am feeling more positive and happier in myself then I can tackle the issues that where overwhelming for me. I feel less lost and more in control.

I am so glad I decided to take this leap of faith.  I had been very unhappy

for such a long time and Chris really helped me to work on my anxiety, I have began to put the work in and I hope I can continue to improve.

I always receive great advice and I feel I have a safe space to speak about my problems. The sessions are important to me and they are helping me to improve my lifestyle. 

My sessions with Chris have literally saved me, I was in such a bad place before and the time he spent with me allowed me to feel safe and secure. I have made progress and I am looking forward to continuing our work.

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